CBD Basics and What You May Not Know. Revolutionary!
CBD’s are analogous the Wild west. No one has it all figured out and you may be paying too much for what you think is the next best thing. CBD’s are everywhere and even available at a gas station. Wait. What? Since when did quality natural products become a gas station credible source? Yup Wild west.
Let us first gain some understanding of one of the most powerful herbs nature ever created. Before we trust a gas station or an internet marketing campaign to just throw some random oil at us. Buyer beware. Become educated.
Get the record straight. First, Hemp is NOT Marijuana. It is not just CBD oil either. Marijuana has an active component called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that Hemp does not. If it is detectable in Hemp, it is extremely low amounts. CBD’s are just a small chunk of what the herb Hemp has to offer. Hemp, stand alone, is too low in THC to get someone high. Anything above 0.3% THC – the psychoactive component – is grown and bred that way and considered Marijuana. It has nothing to do with CBD oil we have available today.
Hemp (below 0.3% THC) is the original of the 2 species. Hemp is a non- psychoactive variety of Cannabis Sativa. Man, hybridized Hemp into Marijuana. The Hemp plant, original species, is alive and grown all over the world for over 25,000 documented uses. It is over 6 million years old. It is one of the fastest growing plants on Earth. Grown for many things industrial such as fiber, which is one of the strongest fibers known. Grown also for CBD oil.
Did you know the United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence were written on Hemp fiber paper so it would last? Again, one of the strongest fibers nature ever made. In the United States, the forefathers all grew Hemp for rope, food, clothes, etc.
The oil itself from Hemp has biological active phytochemicals. Some of those are called CBD’s (Cannabidiols).
Hemp (so far) has been found to have over 421 chemical compounds (phytochemicals). In these there are a 113 different Phyto-Canna-Bi-Diols known as CBD’s. Over 20,000 medical uses documented to date. This not about narcotics.
So, CBD’s are only pieces of what the Hemp pie is. The name ‘CBD oil’ came about from a misunderstanding of this plant way too fast. We should really be calling this ‘Hemp oil’, to do the plants chemicals justice. And yes, Hemp is also legal now. Due to the Farm bill of 2018. Hemp is not a Schedule 1 narcotic. Marijuana in some areas still is.
Hemp has one of the best Omega fat sources for all mammals ever found. A great source of polyunsaturated and essential fatty acids. It has about a 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 which is considered in the optimal range. Studies have shown it to be a great benefit to the skin and conditions associated with it, such as eczema.
Even back in 1974 nine different studies showed reduction of seizures. Not meant to be a replacement for medication but a powerful finding indeed.
Backed by science. Hemp seeds are incredibly nutritious and packed with protein.
The Hemp oil (containing CBDs) is a natural safe product if ethically and safely manufactured. Trust your source and do your homework. Do not trust your health to just anyone or even a gas station.
The main reason CBD’s have become so popular is Humans (all mammals) have what is called an Endocannabinoid system or ECS. Just like a digestive or cardiovascular system. This has only known for about 30 years. It was named after the cannabis plant! Discovering this system has led to many studies showing the power of Hemp oil. Even in some studies reducing pain.
The ECS influences and regulates many of the body’s various systems. Bringing balance or homeostasis. A good Hemp (CBD) oil in the right amounts and understanding can be a great benefit to anyone. For now, it is only advised to those above age of a minor.
High quality and professionally researched manufactures, design Hemp products used to keep your ECS safe and functioning. Do you research on a company before any purchase? You should to keep it safe.
(SAFE) can mean – Support, Activate, Fortify, Ensure.
Whole spectrum (not full) – is an industry term that helps describe if the manufacturer is using ALL the Hemp oil and not just isolating a few CBDs only. The whole plant and all its 421 phytochemicals are used by the ECS, support. Not just isolated ones, which a lot of products on the market offer. A perfect Hemp (CBD) oil will start with whole spectrum Hemp oil. Look for that first.
Why buy a piece of the pie only? Trust the whole pie, sustainably sourced, non-GMO. The whole Hemp seed oil is the Support and Activation.
Let us move on to constituents such as Terpenes (unsaturated hydrocarbons). They are found in essential oils of conifers or plants like lavender. They give plants their fragrance and taste. They carry a vast array of health benefits. They help “activate” the ECS in conjunction with whole spectrum hemp oil. So, adding terpenes (or an essential oil) to Hemp oil helps activate the human ECS. Think of it like this, whole spectrum Hemp seed oil is the email, and terpenes act like an attached message to the email.
CBD oil got attention from the start because it was inadvertently found to activate a system in our bodies that we have only know about for only 30 years. Again, the Endocannabinoid system or ECS. This helped create a whole new branch of medicine. A whole new way to send messages from nature to our cells to help keep us in balance. Known as Support and Activation.
Fortify means – Omega 3’s from the hemp seed. Works from inside out.
Ensure means – Whole Spectrum Hemp seed oil with terpenes help to stop the body’s backup pathway (involved in inflammation and pain) that lowers our ECS response. It helps ensure balance. SAFE.
Recap, whole spectrum Hemp oil is different than what most CBD products on the market are designed to do. The only way to really activate the whole ECS is with WHOLE Hemp Seed Oil spectrum. To do that you must have the right raw material.
Analogy- When the whole enchilada is offered to the human body, not just a few select CBD’s, it is like multiple keys to multiple locks. A key for every lock in the ECS. Many manufacturers, by using just a few CBD’s, only use one or two keys.
The weird thing about this newly discovered organ – the ECS – is finding out that Humans are hard wired for endocannabinoids. They are necessary! Here is why…
Receptor sites sit on cell walls, all cells. They are found virtually everywhere cells are. The brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune cells for example. They are used for communication of cells from inside to the whole body and back. Like a bridge between the body and mind. Endocannabinoids act directly on these receptor sites.
If you give all 421 phytocannabionoids in a whole spectrum (including 113 endocannabinoids) you help to have healthy balance.
These receptors sites are called – endocannabinoid receptors.
We have discovered that this ECS is self-regulating. We even produce CBDs in our body at times if we are deficient. Humans, like all mammals, produce endogenous cannabinoids. They are involved in temperature control, immune response, appetite, digestion, cellular migration, energy metabolism, and more.
To date, here is two examples of cannabinoid receptors identified so far.
CB1 – observed in the Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous system. Meaning it works inside and out.
CB2 – most prominent in the immune system. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2014 (C.D. Schubart) demonstrated with data that CB2 is expressed in the microglia. The microglia act as the first and main form of active immune defense in the brain and spinal cord.
There are many other Phyto cannabinoids (113) like CBDA, CBDV, THCA-A, CBN, THCV, etc. Each one plays a role in the body.
But as we age the entire ECS breaks down. There may be a deficiency in ECB signaling. Replacing CBD (Hemp) oils and terpenes to the body slows this breakdown, at the cell receptor sites. They bind to a part of a receptor. Balance is restored. Hemp oil in essence slows aging and brings balance.
Whole spectrum is revolutionary as it binds to all receptors. Total activation.
Back to terpenes some more (email attachments). They are revolutionizing natures medicine with what may help keep us in balance, if we use them with the email (Hemp whole spectrum oil). When cannabinoids activate the ECS, they allow other active ingredients (terpenes) to influence the body. Each plant has a unique terpene profile. Specific terpenes, those that complement the terpene profile of the Hemp plant, greatly enhance the action of cannabinoids. Allowing targeted activation of specific pathways within the body. Some examples are…
Beta caryophyllene (BCP). This helps daytime immune response and cognition. Supports the immune and digestive system. Can even help create a healthy mood. Found in Copaiba, black pepper, oregano, clove, basil, and rosemary. Who does not want that?
Limonene. Allows more efficient absorption of other terpenes. Good for mood elevation, energy, digestion, respiratory and immune support. An excellent antioxidant as well. Found in citrus.
Linalool. Relaxation. Sense of calm. Mood and immune support. Think Lavender.
Myrcene which helps regulate nighttime sleep and mood. It is like the herbal Hops. It too helps regulate the immune system. Found in mangoes, lemongrass, rosemary, and basil.
Pinene found in dill, basil, parsley, and rosemary. Supports memory, immune, respiratory, cognition/sleep.
The interesting thing is ALL these above terpenes are found in whole spectrum Hemp seed oil (CBDs) as well! What a plant!
So, if we add terpenes to whole spectrum hemp oil, we can personalize products. Help amplify and make them ‘specific’ to what we want to activate and support. Revolutionary!
Turmeric (curcumin terpene) is one great addition to whole seed Hemp oil to help inhibit COX2 (pain). COX2 is an immune generated enzyme that can break down endocannabinoids. This combination has been shown to stay more active than just CBD itself. This is big discovery because COX2 destroys CBD’s themselves and creates more inflammation.
FAAH – breaks down the endocannabinoid ‘anandamide’. Which is a neurotransmitter to naturally increase dopamine levels.
Research is showing that Whole spectrum hemp seed oil and specific terpenes such as Curcumin, Myrcene, BCP, Pinene, etc. may offer a unique natural way to block pathways of pain and inflammation (FAAH/COX2). And not just that but upregulate receptor cells so damage from exercise is reduced. Sleep quality is improved, cognition, energy, immune, mood, joint health, and so much more. Revolutionary!
Hopefully by now you see there is a lot to learn about CBD’s or hopefully by now you call it Hemp oil and its sisters – the terpenes.
This ECS (endocannabinoid system) all humans/mammals have is 600 million years old. But we have only begun to discover in the last 30 years and its secrets.
By the way, any Hemp oil that is 0.3% THC or less is FDA ok.
Another big find recently that the industry knows little is the Bell-shaped curve, or working with the sweet spot. Are larger amounts of CBD or more milligrams better? NO. Most products are only working half-way through the pathways either by isolating CBDs (not whole spectrum), not using terpenes effectively, or not studying amounts a mammal can absrob daily.
CBD oil results from many companies fall short.
Innovative formulas using all the above so far, show a higher benefit from a lower serving. More is not better. Be careful what you buy or pay for. Marketing is just that, to market something to you. Not give an optimal response. Ask for scientific data from a company. Can they back up their claims? How do they know if it even works?
For instance, you may only need a small amount. Which we now have discussed that a whole spectrum hemp oil with terpenes is a better option. 15mg and a 30mg, if whole spectrum, can give a much better response than a selected couple of CBDs in a 500mg or 1500mg. A 15mg is less terpenes for people who might be sensitive. Whole spectrum low dose acts like an MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil. 10-30mg is what is considered by FDA as acceptable and allowed.
You should with time actually “feel” a product. Physically and emotionally. Huge amounts of isolated CBD and/or terpenes is not always more effective. A solid Whole spectrum oil (CBD) in adequate amounts you should “feel” in about a week.
Manufacturers may use a NFxB reporter Assay to compare to other companies. Ask if they do that.
In other words, does a company selling CBD oil (in a gas station or any outlet) test their products or show biological activation of the ECS on this article level?
Ones that Natures Institute have looked at (studied), the dosage shows 2x the avg. effectiveness with less amounts of any competitor. If we can find this so can you. We do not endorse any company currently.
(NOTISE) Natural. Organic, Transparent, Integrity, Safe and Efficacy.
Studied 3rd party every biological pathway. Cutting edge.
A company we did love – uses a LCMS testing platform. 1 of only 5 in the world. To ensure quality and no contaminants. They tested efficacy, again and again.
Sales: Please check with your state, province, or country, before purchasing Hemp products.
Human use only as directed. Consult with a health care physician if not sure.