Feverfew Pain Reliever and Nervous Tonic Scientific Names: Chrysanthemum parthenium. Common Names: Febr [...]
False Unicorn Powerful herb for normalizing female reproductive hormones False unicorn root (Chamaeliri [...]
To access this post, you must purchase NI Subscriber or Natural Health Certification Insider Tuition. [...]
To access this post, you must purchase NI Subscriber or Natural Health Certification Insider Tuition. [...]
By Dr. Jay P. Vanden Heuvel PhD, IMD, DHS Many times, it takes what is currently in the news to wake ev [...]
By Jay P Vanden Heuvel Ph.D., IMD, DHS Wouldn’t it be great if everyone on the planet spoke the same la [...]
Plants are in tune with nature and with us. Vice versa as well! That’s why using natural offerings such [...]
Stress can stop us in our tracks While it may be commonplace in today’s world, ongoing stress can have [...]
By Natures Institute Why Herbs? They contain hundreds and even thousands of phytochemicals, minerals, v [...]
Q&A with Dr. Jay Vanden Heuvel PhD, IMD, DHS Dr. Jay Vanden Heuvel, Ph.D., IMD., DHS, is a highly e [...]