Men pay attention, HPV is your concern too!

Recent research, statistics, and studies show (Scientific American, Nov. 2018), there is a rising tide of throat cancers in men. No, it is not smoking-related oropharyngeal. That is in fact way down. It is happening from the virus called Human Papilloma Virus or HPV. The rates have doubled in the last two decades.

Although HPV-related cervical cancer for women is down (thanks to screening and prevention) for men, oral disease is now the leading HPV-related cancer in the U.S.

Nearly 19,000 cases were reported in 2015 by the Center of Disease Control (CDC).

Research suggests the rise is linked to lack of education for men and changing sexual practices.

Studies suggest that women are more likely to build protective antibodies to HPV after having a few sexual partners. But for men that number is way higher. According to University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, women are exposed more in the mucosal lining of the vaginal walls, where as men, it is exposure of skin. This makes it more difficult for the immune system to build protective antibodies. It has also been shown to take decades to manifest.

The best vaccines have been shown to be most beneficial for men and women before sexual activity begins.

Today there is no allopathic screening method for men at risk of this oral scourge. Like women who receive a pap smear.

Funding and research continue today.

If you are looking for some natural suggestions, please consider the book “Outsmarting HPV”.  Available from Click on book, and enter in search engine code gb179.